Description: Nancy’s Nifty Nectar is a vapor-degreasing solvent blend. It does not contain trans-dichloroethylene, alcohol, or hydrocarbons classifying it as a non-volatile organic compound (VOC) by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD).
With its “zero-VOC” blend, Nancy’s Nifty Nectar is certified by the SCAQMD as a Clean Air Solvent making it a top choice for vapor degreasers to use for the meticulous cleaning of particulates and light oils or greases.
Worker Safety:
As a vapor-degreasing solvent that is safe for workers, has environmentally friendly characteristics, and still offers a desirable cleanliness, Nancy’s Nifty Nectar has the following properties:
- Non-ozone depleting chemical
- Zero-VOC certification by SCAQMD
- High allowable exposure limit
- Non-Flammable
- Non-Hazardous
- Chemically stable
Applications: Nancy’s Nifty Nectar is compatible with a range of materials; all metals, ceramics, and other non-conducting materials are included. Only a few elastomer materials are non-compatible such as Viton and Kalrez that causes swelling. Testing is recommended prior to use for all compatible materials.